There's a First Time For Everything
It looks like I've joined the large group of people who are so pathetic, bored and/or self-absorbed that they think posting their mindless drivel on the internet is a worthwhile past time. I've never read anybody else's blog and I don't really intend to start but if you people want to read mine more power to you since I whole heartedly believe that while people's ideas aren't worth my time, mine are worth theirs. I suppose what you can look forward to on this page are discussions of radical but genius political theory, acerbic commentary on things I don't like, which are numerous, and long-winded, run-on sentences. Just so you know, if you don't like this post and its sarcastic quality you're not capable of appreciating this blog and you should get the hell out. However, this is not my best writing so if I actually decide to stick with this thing it's only going to get better. So, I've finally expressed my Asian need to blog but managed to moderate it with my European-Jew fear of Xanga, I guess there's a first time for everything.
No farkin way, I don't believe you. You're not Ben, you're The Other.
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